Wedding Dreams Come True for Seventy-six Young Couples

On October 29th, Seventy-six pairs of fiancés from Changan Automobile and the Chongqing area became wedded couples, as their friends and relatives witness the blissful event. Changan Automobile and Chongqing City organized this wedding extravaganza. The whole event took place at Chongqing’s beautiful Jiangbei Guanyin Bridge Cultural Plaza. National, city, district, and Changan Automobile leaders all attended the event bringing good wishes for the new couples.

Changan has been assisting its youngest employees with wedding planning for three consecutive years. So far, Changan has assisted hundreds of couples in creating warm and unforgettable wedding memories, and it is a great way to help young employees get a good start in life. This year's ceremony reached beyond Changan’s own employee family; the newlyweds this time were not only from Changan but also from the local Chongqing City community. The scale of this year’s ceremony was much grander than in past years. All enjoyed the pre- and post-wedding entertainment, and a number of grooms and brides used the available social media facilities to share their wedding experience with far away friends and family. Some parents shared their blessings via video messages. Changan’s own R&D centers across the world sent their best wishes by video, in a number of different languages.

This wedding day was not only romantic and touching, but was filled with laughter, love and joy. The new couples exchanged rings, warm kisses, and joined in on a single “all together” bridal bouquet toss. The sight of seventy-six flying bouquets triggered both single men and single women into an exciting moment of flower catching, smiling and laughter.

Following the ceremony, Changan orchestrated a massive parade and an outdoor photo shoot. The parade sported seventy Changan production vehicles such as the Eado and the CS35. Eight pre-production Yue Xiang V7 sedans also made their way into the parade procession. The sporty and technology advanced Yue Xiang V7s (scheduled to launch at the upcoming Guangzhou Auto Show) will be targeted at young people with a similar demographic profile as the couples at the wedding.

“Riding in a car that my company made, to my own wedding is an enjoyable and memorable experience. Not everyone has an opportunity like this!” one groom said excitedly. A group of brides with big smiles exclaimed, “This wedding is spectacular, romantic, an event of lifetime!"

Changan decided to bring only red cars to the wedding ceremony because of the profound meaning behind the color red at Chinese weddings; the color red is seen as a way to bring forth happiness and to extend the wonderfulness and warmth of the moment. At the same time, Changan hoped that the spirit of Changan’s newest line of fast selling, fashionable and technologically advanced vehicles would add to the positive mood of the whole event.

This event not only reflected a commitment by the local government and Changan to do something concrete for young employees, but it also embodied Changan’s mission to “serve its employees” just as Changan employees work tirelessly to move Changan Automobile into the future. Everything Changan accomplishes is based on the care and dedication of the Changan employees, and this sense of “mutual-care” is a core value of Changan’s corporate culture. It is hoped that young people will see the positive impact Changan is trying to make in the lives of young couples and possibly one day consider buying a new Changan vehicle.

22 April 2015