From Santiago to Pichilemu: Changan launches CX70 in Chile

Following Changan's well-regarded premier launch of the CX70 in Peru last August, the next stop on the itinerary was Chile. 

In the run-up to the main launch event, which was held in Pichilemu, Changan staff, regional dealers, and members of the media took to the open road.  They drove 200 km from the country's capital, Santiago, to Pichilemu in the Punta de Lobos region.  Driving in CX70s, members of the convoy undertook an extended test drive of sorts.  They assessed the car's stability, ground clearance, handling, and comfort, among other characteristics.  Initial feedback was very positive,building on the car's already stellar reputation.  On arrival into Pichilemu, bystanders got their first look at the stunning appearance and design of the CX70.

The launch event was held on August 22nd and 23rd.  Over 20 automotive media professionals attended this event, underscoring a growing interest in the CX70.  Derco, Changan's Chilean dealer, led the press conference which introduced the various features and attributes that make the CX70 so distinctive.  A key selling point of the CX70 is its large spacious interior.

Following the formalities of the press conference, our friends from the media got behind the wheel and set off for the next stop - the Hotel Surf Lodge in Punta de Lobos - for a bit of R&R.  Feeling relaxed, guests let their hair down a little as they indulged in some fantastic local cuisine and drinks.  For entertainment, Changan also invited a famous local band to perform for the guests, with some of them even enjoying a fun sing-along.

As the launch event wrapped up in Punta de Lobos, Changan was back on the road hosting several CX70 exhibitions across Santiago and nearby cities from August 26th to September 4th.  The events showcased the CX70's advanced technology and exquisite design.  CX70 sales growth in Chile proved yet again that this event was a huge overall success.

The CX70's Chilean launch once again highlights Changan's ambition to lead by example by becoming a truly international brand.  The CX70 continues to gain popularity in Chile and across the region, especially for buyers who are looking for a spacious, comfortable, and reliable SUV.

18 September 2017