CS15 triumphed in tough rally race

The Changan Racing Team has captured another victory.  The team bested the competition in the second race of the 2018 National Rally Cross Country Championship in Caazapá, Paraguay.

Changan has gained popularity in the Paraguay rally over the past four years.  Local folks are paying a lot of attention to the Changan Racing Team, Eado XT, and CS15.  This race is recognized as one of the three most difficult in the world.  Its appeal lies not only in its Formula One speed, but also in the thrill of conquest, teamwork, and other characteristics.

Race car drivers have a thirst for victory.  Adrenaline begins to rise as the race starts.  It doesn't let up until the finish line is crossed.

The rally is a tough competition.  There is pain, high temperatures, low oxygen, dehydration, and limited visibility.  Drivers depend on their vehicles and expect them to be trustworthy and reliable.

Good results not only rely on a professional team, but also on the race car's comprehensive performance.  CS15's continual, competitive successes demonstrate its extraordinary quality.


3 August 2018